What's new?
Introducing Guest Mode! Share a link to any of your private, organizational, or public boards. When the Guest User accesses the board, you'll be prompted to allow the user to view the board.
Try our new Notepad tool under experimental tools! You can press and hold the corners of the notepad to reshape or simply drag the handle to scale. It also has a new color scheme button below the object when it is selected.
Try our new Container tool under experimental tools! You can drag and drop assets over the container to group them in any specific order.
We have introduced board Hot Keys. You can access a list of board hotkeys by pressing the '?' character on your keyboard. Note that most keyboards require holding shift to access this character.
We have introduced a new 'On Key Press' action that allows you to specify and override a board hotkey to perform any of our existing actions.
Other Enhancements
Only the board owner has the capability to clear a board. Other users do not have access to this button.
We have reversed the icons for the lock icon, and it now resembles the current state of the asset.
We have improved the mute and unmute icons for better clarity.
The red user list notification now resembles the number of people who are currently in the board.
When adding an action to an asset, you can now specify whether view-only users can see the asset.
Resolved Issues
Board headers no longer result in an offset when selecting widgets.
Formerly known as the Rich Text Editor, the Notepad widget has been vastly improved.
Shift click now properly multi-selects "Widget" assets (e.g., videos, screenshare, and notepad).