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How can I submit browser diagnostic data?
How can I submit browser diagnostic data?

This page explains how you can export your web browser console logs and network logs.

Written by Jim Gilchrist
Updated over 3 years ago

Chrome Browser Console Logs

If you are experience an issue in the application, it may be useful for us to review the Chrome console logs. Here is how you can obtain the log data:

  1. Click the 3 dots at the top-right, select "More tools," and select "Developer tools" to bring up the debugging console.

  2. Select the "Console" tab. You can also get here by pressing ctr+shift+j.

  3. Reproduce the issue.

  4. You can see that the console will populate with data associated with your actions. Right click on any log statement in the console window, and click "Save As" to save the log file to your computer.

  5. Send us your logs, and we will use the data to improve the product or get to the bottom of a specific issue.

Chrome Browser Network Logs

If you are experiencing application issues that are likely to be related to a network configuration, it is useful to capture and provide network diagnostic data. The following instructions are from this page.

From Chrome 58 onwards, you can use net-export to export a log file in JavaScript® Object Notation (JSON) array format. This log file contains details of Chrome’s network-level events and state.

  1. Open a new Chrome browser window and browse to chrome://net-export/

  2. (Optional) Select the level of log detail.

    • ​If you don’t change the level of log detail, private information is stripped.

    • To include raw bytes (encrypted or otherwise) that were transmitted over the network, select Include raw bytes (includes cookies and credentials).

  3. Click Start logging to disk.

  4. Name the file and choose where to save it.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Open a new tab and re-create the problem.

  7. Go back to the net-export tab and click Stop logging.

If a problem occurs before you can browse to chrome://net-export, such as when the Chrome browser or device first starts, use the following command line flag to capture the network log:

--log-net-log=/tmp/mylog.json --net-log-level=0

If you need to, you can change the file path, /tmp/mylog.json.

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