What's new?
Introducing Bing Image Search! Now you search Bing Images by selecting the "Current board" dropdown in the header and selecting Bing Images. Simply drag a search result to the board to create the image asset.
Introducing Custom Live Video Masks! Now you can configure live video to display a custom section of the feed. This is useful when you want to show individual live video assets for multiple people in a group video feed.
Now you can multi-select assets in the asset library and perform actions on the selected group of files or folders.
The asset library now has the ability to sort assets by name, type, date created, and size.
The keyboard shortcuts to navigate to a slide are now aligned with the number of the slide. E.g., pressing the "1" key will take you to the first slide. The '0' key still represents to the home slide.
As a board owner, now you can set the default on/off state of audio and video toggles when all all users join the call.
Now you can configure a live video asset to automatically start the feed when the board loads. This is useful when users want to quickly plug in their laptops to share content in a conference room.
As a board owner, now you can create a button action to "bring users to me."
When sharing live video content, now there is an advanced section where you can select your custom input resolution from a set of defaults.
The Recording Panel now contains an option to download the video when the current recording is complete.
The Collaborative Notepad now contains the option to update the font size.
The button action to open a link now contains an option to open the link in the current window.
When creating button actions, now you can setup an action to occur when the page loads. This is useful when you want to reset the state of a particular asset.
The Mobile Companion App now defaults to allowing guest users in as a Contributor.
Resolved Issues
We have resolved an issue when using the home button or keyboard shortcut to navigate to the Home Location.
We have resolved an issue when exiting and opening boards while the navigation panel is exposed.
Button actions to animate an asset will now be synced so the animation occurs for all users when any user presses the button.
User cursors are now displayed on top of widgets.
We resolved an issue when a user tests the mic during an active call.
We resolved an issue when locking slides.
We resolved an issue when using the 'G' keyboard shortcut to enable snap and align widget assets.
We resolved an issue when updating an existing Location.
We resolved an issue with Contributor edit capabilities.
As an editor, now you can select notepad assets during presentation mode.
We resolved an issue with the size of slides when copying a slide to another board.
We resolved an issue with the Recording Panel UI when the recording is complete; we now show a loading screen while the video is rendering.
The sticky note default font color has been updated.
We have updated the zoom level to be consistent when double clicking a slide, using the left/right arrows, and clicking the location in the navigation panel.
We resolved an issue when a slide is selected and when a user presses the "C" shortcut on the keyboard.