What's new?
Now you can apply the board setting for pan & zoom independently to Alleo Rooms displays and users. This is beneficial when you wish to restrict the display while permitting standard laptop users to navigate the board freely.
Other enhancements
Webex Authentication Integration
Now you can connect your Alleo account with the Webex authentication provider. Simply select My settings in the user dropdown, click Connections, and select "Connect Webex" under the Sign-in Accounts section.
Streamlined Board Settings
Board settings are now conveniently accessible from the dashboard via the board tile dropdown menu.
The settings include a new "Details" section with information such as board name, cover image, tags, creator, and created date.
When initiating the creation of a new board, we have streamlined the options to include only "board name" and an advanced section. Within the advanced section, you can now easily upload a cover image and incorporate board tags for enhanced customization. The advanced options that were previously accessible have now been relocated to the Board settings.
Share Settings
A board's Share options are now available on the dashboard in a dedicated section, and these settings are consistent with the settings available when the board is open.
The board Access level option is now integrated into the Share modal. Previously, it was accessible through the "Edit board" menu option on the dashboard, but this option has been streamlined and removed.
Improved Document Navigation
Enhancing the user experience, you can now page through documents seamlessly while object drawing is enabled.
Efficient Display Navigation
When utilizing the "Navigate displays" object action, you can now target the "start screen" for multiple displays in a single action. This feature proves beneficial when you need to swiftly send specific displays to their start screens with just one click.
Resolved Issues
We resolved an issue when the Flip-Card visibility is toggled via object action.
We resolved an issue with the "reset slide" button when the button is outside the bounds of a slide.
We have addressed an issue related to copying and pasting documents containing auto-grouped assets. Now, the assets are promptly and accurately positioned on the correct pages.
We resolved an alignment issue with Notepad checkbox lists; now the checkbox is positioned at the top of multi-line items in the list.
Alleo Rooms displays now have access to add slides from templates in the board, organization, and global scopes.
Simplified "create board" experience
Consolidated "Board settings" and "Share" settings