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Opening a Board on a Rooms Display

A step-by-step on how to open a board on an active Alleo Rooms Display

Written by Jim Gilchrist
Updated over a year ago

The following information will guide you through opening a board on your Alleo Rooms Display. Not sure if this applies to you? Reach out to your Alleo Sales Representative to discuss your plan with Alleo Rooms.

How to Open a Board on a Display

  1. Select the "Share" button at the top right of the header bar.

  2. In the Share panel, select the option "Open on display" at the bottom right of the menu. This is where you will be able to select the Displays you would like to open your board on.

  3. Your displays will have status of "Available," "In Use," or "Offline."

    1. "Available" displays are ready for a user to open a board

    2. "In Use" displays are currently being used in a board

    3. "Offline" displays are displays that do not have the Rooms application running and will not be an option to use until the application is launched.

  4. Select an "Available" display(s) and determine the permission level of the display at the top right. This will default to "Owner." Then you can open the board by clicking "Open on display(s)" at the bottom right corner.

How to "Kick" a Display off of a Board

This is how to remove a display from a board to make it "Available" for use for other boards.

  1. Select the "Users" icon at the top right side of your header. This will open a panel on the right side of your screen. From here you can see all of the active and inactive users in a board.

  2. Select the Display you would like to remove from the board by clicking the three dot "..." icon to the right of the display name. Then select "Kick user" in the dropdown. This will remove the display and make it available to open other boards.

Using Object Actions to Navigate a Display to a Board

This information is available under our "Object Actions" guide and is available here:

Using Alleo Rooms on Displays allows for a seamless experience with your in-room and virtual users.

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